Monday, January 13, 2014

Pin Explosion!

Normally around my house if I am sewing I'm constantly warning my family... "watch out you don't step on a pin.  They are normally everywhere.  From me flinging them out of my sewing project as I a sewing along on my machine to me pinning my project together and dropping them everywhere! 

But now I have solved this little issue.

It all began when my fiance was in the garage working on his baby aka his motorcycle.  I watched him pull the nuts out and drop them into The Best Invention. 

His was much bigger and meant for tools nuts and bolts.  I found this little cutie in the automotive section of Walmart.

So I went from all of this vv

To This

Now when I am speeding along on a project pulling pins out and throwing them like a crazy person I have this awesome magnetic bowl catches almost everything.

Hope you go out and pick one up yourself.  They really help with the mess.

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