Wow! Time has flown. Ooops I could kick myself for forgetting to write these posts. They really helped me remember amazing milestones in chases life.
He is so active now which is keeping me pretty busy. Almost a year old, but lets start with 9 months.
9 Months old he learned to: Wave bye to Daddy. He learned to stand up without help. Also gets so excited when Daddy comes home! He says hhhhhot when you ouchy. Since I say don't touch that's ouchy hot.
10 Months old: He started stacking things and putting his dropping toys through the holes. He also loves to throw everything on the floor and empty cabinets, toy boxes, or throw your drinks off the counter. He climbs up on our stool and tries to get to everything he shouldn't. He started shaking his head no for things and laughing when you say no.
11 Months old: He started to walk!! He is so very wobbly and not very confident but he is getting close. He also learned the proper way to get off the couch, walk down stairs (eeekk). He knows that the duck says quack quack, and can say a variation of that.
I just cannot believe its been a year, he is such a blessing and were so happy he joined our happy little family!
Thank you for reading and I hope to post more often, these two keep me pretty busy.