Monday, January 4, 2016

Before they grow up.

Its so easy to get into a routine and just go, go, go.  Or to have a check list a mile long of things you have to get done.  Everything seems so important and requires so much attention.  These are things that I recently have come to the conclusion will have to wait. 

I have a 6 Year old, In two months she will be 7 years old.  Time has flown right by with come on were going be late, and we just don't have time right now.  7 Years old, and so much young fun, life, energy and wonder left.  It wont last. 

I have a 8 Month old, he is so very attached to his mama.  I wanted it this way really, but I find myself not appreciating it like I should.  He has been very high needs from the beginning with lots of stomach problems, crying, spitting up, cluster nursing.  I remember my husband coming home from work and just handing him over like PLEASE take him.  And now he is crawling, climbing, and all I want to do his for him to hold still so I can cuddle with him.... 

What I am trying to say is it goes by too fast.  One day they're in diapers looking at you to care for their every need, sweet little squishy faces and the next they're grown and you wonder where the time went.  It's so hard when your in the moment your laundry needs folding, your dishes are dirty, the toys are everywhere, the errands need running, dinner at 5, soccer at 6, busy, busy, busy.  Just remember when its gone its gone.  Silliness, giggles, pitter patter appreciate it all before its gone.

Looking back on it you will never say man I wish I had done more dishes when they were little.

I don't know about you, but I think I'm going to hug more, love more, spend more time with my babies, before they're all grown up.

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