Later that evening my husband went out to meet up with friends. I was bored my daughter had gone to bed. Earlier that day I had gotten a scrub brush so I thought hmm... I will clean the kitchen floor. Silly me 9 months and 3 days pregnant I got down on my hands and knees and scrubbed the floor. After I cleaned the floor for probably an hour I finished laundry and sat down. I was pooped, it was 11pm. My husband was home at this point and I said jokingly oh great we're going to bed so late, this is the night I'm going to go into labor.
We went and got ready for bed. I fell asleep for about an hour. At 12:39 I felt my first contraction. I got up to go to the bathroom climbed back into bed and that is when I felt the first one. I laid down to try to go back to sleep. My anxiety and excitement was too much to sleep. I had a few more light contractions before waking up my husband at 1:30am. Half asleep he asked if I was really sure. Since I waited 40 minutes before waking him at this point I pretty sure we were having this baby.
At that point he started timing them. They started at 8 minutes apart lasting about 40 seconds each. That lasted for about an hour, my husband falling asleep in between contractions. I was just way to anxious to sleep. After about an hour I got in the shower/bath. I ran the shower with the plug in and just let it run over my back. This made my contraction feel a little better. But that was when I started getting mini contractions in between regular contractions. So every 3ish minutes I was having some kind of contraction.
At 3:40am my strong contractions were just 6 minutes apart so we called our midwife. She suggested that we come down to the hospital. Since this being my second child she thought things could progress quickly. She was right!
We called my mother in law to come get my daughter Taylor. She got over to the house within 20 minutes and by then my contractions were every 4 minutes and strong. We got in the car and drove the 20 minutes to our hospital. We got there at about 4:30, and filled out paperwork between contractions.
At first when we got to the room they hooked me up to fetal monitoring to check the baby. I stayed on the monitoring for about an hour. The baby was moving so much at this point that they couldn't get a consistent read. While I was on the monitoring my midwife came in and checked me. At this point in was dilated 5/6 cm. She said this was very good and the baby would be born this morning. She also said that her shift ended at 8am. I hoped and prayed that she would be the one to deliver the baby.
At this point my contractions were very intense. I had the nurse bring my husband a small ball to rub my lower back where I felt so much of the pain. During this point it was about 5:30 and my contractions were getting stronger and closer. I was at about 3 minutes rest time between contractions. They finally took me off the monitors so that I could get up and walk around.
They brought me the big exercise ball to lean over while I was contracting. It helped for a little while but it was just so painful. My husband was so helpful rubbing my back, telling me how strong I was. Encouraging me the whole time. I kept saying I cannot do this. He was also helping make sure I stayed strong by giving me water and food. Since I was doing a natural birth my midwife said this would be fine. I brought regular water, coconut water, and gatorade. I also brought apple sauce, luna bars, broth, and oatmeal. I ended up just eating the apple sauce and luna bar.
Around 7 I was sure that I needed to use the bathroom. I kept going to the toilet to try and go. I feel like this position really helped move along my labor. Every time I sat down I would feel so much pressure and have a contraction. At this point my contractions were every minute. I was crying and grunting through my contractions and doing the best I could. They were lasting about 30 seconds. I was walking around the room using the ball to lean over, leaning over on a pillow with my face pressed in, squeezing hard on my husbands hand or arm every time.
My husband asked me if i wanted to use the giant awesome jacuzzi tub they had. I told him "I don't think we have time!" At that point I asked to see the midwife again to check how I had progressed. She came in and checked me and I was at 7/8 cm.
I continued laboring walking around and trying to use the rest room. I finally was able to go to the bathroom and also lost my mucus plug. At this point my contractions were so close together about 30 seconds apart. I had so much pressure I just wanted to be ready to push. At about 7:40 I had the midwife come back in. She checked me and said that I was ready. I still hadn't broken my waters. She said that this would happen when I started to push.
I had really wanted to deliver the baby in a squat position. So that is how I started out. I pushed was leaning over the bed and pushing. The first push was lame and not so successful. I was really tired at this point. My midwife suggested getting the birthing stool. When I started pushing my contractions were a little longer and about a minute and a half apart, giving me time to breath and rest. During my first push I bit down on my poor husbands hand. He had a nurse get me a wash cloth to bite on after that.
I pushed again before the stool came, my husband behind me encouraging me the whole time. I felt like I couldn't push through the bag of waters. It was just so much pressure. I asked her at this point to break the waters for me. So the next push she broke it for me. It felt like such a relief. I sat down on the birthing stool which had no back. My husband sat behind me for support. At this point I had pushed 3 times and still no baby. I feel like he really moved down on the last push when she broke my water. I felt the contraction coming on I grabbed up on the birthing stool and pulled down on my husbands shoulder and really pushed hard. I could feel him coming down. Then the large stretching pain. I was about the stop when my midwife said keep pushing.... So I pushed with all my might and out was the head. Then I stopped and she said one more good push and out came baby Chase. I could feel every little bump and ripple as he slid out.
They placed him in my arms and I was so happy. He cried like he was supposed to, he had some fluid in his lungs so the nurse took him just over to the bed and sucked some out. I got into bed and he was placed back into my arms. I then pushed out the placenta and had the nurse and midwife pushing on my uterus. They shot me with some Pitocin to help with my bleeding.
I just kept looking at my beautiful boy and my sweet husband. The contractions were still there but not as strong as before. My midwife stitched up my tear (fun fun). I attempted to nurse baby boy Chase Eli Button. He was not having it at this time.
My amazing midwife told me that he was born at 8:01am, I pushed for 12 minutes, was in active labor for 4 hours, total labor for a total of 7 hours. Chase Eli Button weighed 8 pounds 9 ounces, 20 inches long.
It was an amazing birth and I don't think it could have gone much better I was so happy with myself for doing it all natural like I had wanted. If I could explain the contractions, I had quite a bit of back labor and my stomach looked like a basket ball from how tense everything was. It was like a bad cramp that waves in gets stronger peaks and then waves out. But its hard to remember how bad when I am looking at my sweetie while writing this.
I hope my this will help motivate some of you soon to be mama's to have a natural birth it was such a beautiful experience.
Thank you for reading my blog
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